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DIY or DIY Don't?

With the rise of Pinterest, DIY is the most popular wedding trend today. And if you are a couple on a budget, this is a great way to get exactly what you want without maxing out your credit cards. But, does that mean you should DIY everything?

Unless you are incredibly artistic or handy at building, probably not, but there are some easy areas to DIY your favorite Pinterest ideas!

A few key things to remember: you need time. Even on a time crunch, you can pull off some great DIY projects, but you need to at least have a couple of weekends you can dedicate to wrapping bottles in twine, painting your custom corn hole game, or building anything!

If you think it will only take a few hours, plan for a whole day. My dad says anytime I bring him a project and tell him it looks easy, he plans on having to take off a day of work! But the directions always look so simple I pleadingly convince him.

One of those "easy" DIY projects was this amazing DIY Bar sign he built me! It took about a day to make and a whole other day searching for just the right lights (battery operated mini globes from Home Depot - special order)! These directions from Modcloth Blog aren't the directions we used, but they should work great!

DIY Bar Marquee Sign

So you have seen these amazing lounge areas and you want to create a quaint photo opp area at your reception. But $500 for a couch and a side table is just not in the budget. Raid your house! You would be surprised what you can do with furniture you already own—think outside of the box, like that cool chest that sits at the foot of your bed, an old ottoman, or outdoor couch. Maybe your grandmother’s old tea cart that you never use. These can all make a great addition to a lounge area!

DIY DON’T: Use your great grandmother’s family heirloom loveseat. You don’t want to use something from home that can’t handle a possible spill or a little dirt.

Your furniture not an option? Make a cozy pillow pile that guests can relax on! Grab a few cheapies from Ross or Marshalls and then get a few custom one’s like those pictured here. Handpainted with your wedding date or wedding colors, these are an inexpensive, great way to customize your wedding! Check out Pillow Picasso or for some great ideas (and Jessica Lynn Wedding clients get a discount!)

Custom Wedding Pillows

DIY DON’T: Try and sew a pillow right before your wedding when you have never touched a sewing machine. Have months to practice? Consider a class at your local craft store!

If grabbing a hammer and nails makes you think of smashed fingers, consider items that are already built but just need a paint job! Crates from Michaels, picket fencing from Home Depot or Lowes, these items need very few (if any) nails to make a one-of-a-kind piece. But with a paint brush and custom colors for your wedding, you can create a DIY show-stopper that looks professional! I have some great links on my Pinterest page!

Here are some others from some inventive online bloggers! These links are geared towards kids' lemonade stands, etc, but with a few tweaks, they could be a great bar area, dessert table, or welcome sign in table!

I love this design from the The Nerd’s Wife (Look to the bottom of this blog for DIY Pinwheels!)

DIY Lemonade Stand or Bar

This one from See Vanessa Craft is a little short, but you can double up the creates and add length to the side posts and you are set! Want to make it wider? Add 2 more crates to the sides and you have a ton of space!

Double the crates for the perfect bar height

Make a a cute stand with a picket fence

DIY DON’T: Try and figure even these simple plans out two days before your wedding. You never know what could go wrong so give yourself some time for errors and second (or fourth trips) to Home Depot!

Love this amazing Pinwheel inspired dessert bar feature on Wedding Chicks? Try making your own pinwheels with this great tutorial!

Pinwheels Dessert Table

What to entertain your guests with games? Make a ring toss game from some old wine bottles, craft sewing rings, and paint to match your wedding day! You want need to touch a single tool!

DIY DON'T: Be careful on which spray paint you choose. Many don't stick well to glass.

The ideas for DIY projects are endless, and some of the easier ones are great for first time crafters and are a wonderful way to grab the people you love and hang out before the festivities begin! Think of guest gifts like hot chocolate or s'mores kits like this one featured on Green Wedding Shoes. If you like succulents, check out my succulent blog for another easy DIY favor idea!

Or my new favorite, Honey Jars! These are another sweet favor that you can make yourself and your guests will love the extra thought you put into them! Check out what blogger Life at Cloverhill did for these honey favors!

DIY Honey Jar Favors

Seating charts, place setting welcomes, and thank you plate cards are sweet and thoughtful ways to put your personal touch on your wedding day without breaking your back! But no matter what DIY project you choose, there is something special about putting your hand directly into your wedding day. It isn't for everyone, but for those who brave the DIY path, the connection to their day is all the more deeper (most likely because there were some bandaids and bruises along the way).

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